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Tales of Suspense 81 fn- $7.50
Tales of Suspense 88 vg+ $7.50
Tales of Suspense 91 (Crusher) fn- $7.50
Tales of Suspense 92 fn- $7.50
Tales of Suspense 94 fn $9.00
Tales of Suspense 94 (1st Modok) fn- $8.00
Tales of Suspense 95 (Grey Gargoyle) fn+ $12.75
Tales of Suspense 97 (1st Whiplash) fn- $8.00
Tales to Astonish 76 vg+ $7.50
Tales to Astonish 77 vg $6.00
Tales to Astonish 80 vg+ $7.50
Tales to Astonish 84 vg $6.00
Tales to Astonish 85 fn+ $12.00
Tales to Astonish 86 vg- $5.00
Tales to Astonish 91 fn $9.00
Tales to Astonish 97 vg $6.00
Tales to Astonish 101 fn- $12.00
Thor 241 (When Death Sails the Stars) fn+ $2.25
Thor 242 (When the Servitor Commands) vg+ $1.00
Thor 245 (Temple at the End of Time) vf+ $2.00
Thor 248 (vs Storm Giant) vf $2.00
Thor 255 (Stone Men from Saturn) nm $2.25
Thor 256 (vs Sporr) nm $2.25
Thor 257 (Death, Thou Shalt Die) nm $2.25
Thor 258 (vs Grey Gargoyle) nm $2.25
Thor 260 (vs Enchantress) nm $2.75
Thor 261 (Doomsday Star) vf+ $2.00
Thor 262 (Even an Immortal Can Die) nm $2.25
Thor 263 (vs Odin-Force) nm $2.25
Thor 264 (Loki app) vf+ $2.00
Thor 265 (vs Destroyer) nm $2.25
Thor 267 (To Midgard and Mayhem) nm $2.25
Thor 268 (vs Damocles) nm $2.25
Thor 269 (vs Stilt Man) nm $2.25
Thor 273 (vs Midgard Serpent) fn+ $1.00
Thor 275 (1st Sigyn) nm $2.25
Thor 277 (vs Hela) nm $2.25
Thor 279 (A Hammer in Hades) nm $2.25
Thor 280 (vs Hyperion) nm $2.25
Thor 281 nm (The Hammer Vanishes) $2.25
Thor 282 (vs Tempus) nm $2.25
Thor 283 (Celestials) nm $2.25
Thor 284 (City of the Space Gods) nm $2.25
Thor 288 (Furry of the Forgottem Hero) nm $2.25
Thor 290 (1st Vampiro) nm $2.25
Thor 292 (vs Odin) nm $2.25
Thor 293 (Mind's Dark Eye) nm $2.25
Thor 295 (vs Storm Giants) nm $2.25
Thor 296 (Valkyrie app) nm $2.25
Thor 297 (Sword of Siegfried) nm $2.25
Thor 301 (At the Mercy of the Gods) nm $1.50
Thor 302 (vs Locus) nm $1.50
Thor 303 (Whatever Gods There be) vf+ $1.25
Thor 304 (vs Wrecking Crew) nm $1.50
Thor 305 (Death-Angel app) nm $1.50
Thor 306 (Firelord app) nm $2.25
Thor 307 (The Dream Demon) nm $2.00
Thor 308 (vs Snow Giants) nm $2.00
Thor 309 (vs The Bombadiers) vf+ $1.75
Thor 310 (vs Mephisto) nm $2.00
Thor 311 (Crisis in the Inner City) vf+ $1.75
Thor 312 (vs Tyr) nm $2.00
Thor 313 (Thor on Trial) nm $2.00
Thor 314 (vs Drax the Destroyer) vg+ $1.00
Thor 315 (Bi-Beast) nm $2.00
Thor 316 (Iron Man app) nm $2.00
Thor 317 (Chaos at Canaveral) nm $2.00
Thor 318 (A Kingdom Lost) vf+ $1.75
Thor 319 (The Zaniac Grave Blood) nm $2.00
Thor 320 (Blake's Menagerie) nm $2.00
Thor 321 (Madness is the Menagerie) nm $2.00
Thor 322 (Thor cs Heimdall) vf+ $1.75
Thor 323 (Warriors of Stone) nm $2.00
Thor 330 (Cry of the Crusader) vf $1.00
Thor 331 (Holy War) nm $1.50
Thor 333 (At Draculas Command) vf+ $1.25
Thor 334 (Runequest) nm $1.50
Thor 335 (Runequest's End) vg+ $1.00
Thor 336 (Of Gods and Men) vf+ $1.25
Thor 337 (1st Beta Ray Bill) nm $3.00
Thor 338 (vs Beta Ray Bill) nm $1.50
Thor 339 (1st Lorelei) nm $1.50
Thor 340 (Though Hell Should Bar the Way) nm $1.50
Thor 342 (The Past is a Bucket of Ashes) nm $1.50
Thor 343 (The Hand of Death) nm $1.50
Thor 349 (the Brothers of Odin) nm $1.50
Thor 350 (Ragnarok & Roll) nm $1.50
Thor 351 nm $1.50
Thor 352 nm $1.50
Thor 353 nm $1.50
Thor 354 nm $1.50
Thor 355 nm $1.50
Thor 356 nm $1.50
Thor 357 nm $1.50
Thor 358 nm $1.50
Thor 359 nm $1.50
Thor 360 nm $1.50
Thor 361 nm $1.50
Thor 362 nm $1.50
Thor 363 nm $1.50
Thor 364 nm $1.50
Thor 365 nm $1.50
Thor 366 nm $1.50
Thor 367 nm $1.50
Thor 368 nm $1.50
Thor 369 nm $1.50
Thor 370 nm $1.50
Thor 371 nm $1.50
Thor 372 nm $1.50
Thor 374 (X-Factor app.) nm $2.75
Thor 375 nm $1.50
Thor 376 nm $1.50
Thor 377 nm $1.50
Thor 378 nm $1.50
Thor 379 nm $1.50
Thor 380 nm $1.50
Thor 381 vf+ $1.00
Thor 382 nm $1.50
Thor 383 nm $1.50
Thor 384 nm $1.50
Thor 385 (vs Hulk) nm $1.50
Thor 386 (1st Leir) nm $1.50
Thor 387 (Celestials app) vf- $1.00
Thor 388 (Celestials app) vf- $1.00
Thor 389 nm $1.50
Thor 390 (1st Grog) nm $1.50
Thor 391 nm $2.00
Thor 392 (1st Quicksand) nm $1.50
Thor 393 nm $1.50
Thor 394 nm $1.50
Thor 395 nm $1.50
Thor 396 nm $1.50
Thor 397 vf+ $1.25
Thor 398 nm $1.50
Thor 399 nm $1.50
Thor 400 nm $2.00
Thor 401 nm $1.50
Thor 402 nm $1.50
Thor 403 nm $1.50
Thor 404 nm $1.50
Thor 405 nm $1.50
Thor 406 nm $1.50
Thor 407 nm $1.50
Thor 408 nm $1.50
Thor 409 nm $1.50
Thor 410 nm $1.50
Thor 411 nm $2.25
Thor 413 nm $1.50
Thor 414 nm $1.50
Thor 415 nm $1.50
Thor 416 nm $1.50
Thor 417 nm $1.50
Thor 418 nm $1.50
Thor 419 nm $1.50
Thor 420 nm $1.50
Thor 421 nm $1.50
Thor 422 nm $1.50
Thor 423 nm $1.50
Thor 424 nm $1.50
Thor 425 nm $1.50
Thor 426 nm $1.50
Thor 427 nm $1.50
Thor 428 nm $1.50
Thor 429 nm $1.50
Thor 430 nm $1.50
Thor 431 nm $1.50
Thor 432 (New Thor) nm $2.00
Thor 433 nm $2.00
Thor 434 nm $1.50
Thor 435 nm $1.50
Thor 436 nm $1.50
Thor 437 nm $1.50
Thor 438 nm $1.50
Thor 439 nm $1.50
Thor 440 nm $1.50
Thor 441 nm $1.50
Thor 442 nm $1.50
Thor 443 nm $1.50
Thor 444 nm $1.50
Thor 445 nm $1.50
Thor 446 nm $1.50
Thor 447 nm $1.50
Thor 448 nm $1.50
Thor 449 nm $1.50
Thor 450 nm $2.00
Thor 451 (vs Bloodaxe) nm $1.50
Thor 452 (vs Bloodaxe) nm $1.50
Thor 453 nm $1.50
Thor 454 nm $1.50
Thor 455 nm $1.50
Thor 456 nm $1.50
Thor 457 nm $1.50
Thor 458 nm $1.50
Thor 459 nm $1.50
Thor 460 nm $1.50
Thor 461 nm $1.50
Thor 462 nm $1.50
Thor 463 nm $1.50
Thor 464 nm $1.50
Thor 465 nm $1.50
Thor 466 nm $1.50
Thor 467 nm $1.50
Thor 468 nm $2.00
Thor 469 nm $1.50
Thor 470 (Blood & Thunder pt9) nm $1.50
Thor 471 nm $1.50
Thor 472 nm $1.50
Thor 473 nm $1.50
Thor 474 nm $1.50
Thor 475 nm $2.00
Thor 476 nm $1.50
Thor 477 nm $1.50
Thor 478 nm $1.50
Thor 479 nm $1.50
Thor 480 nm $1.50
Thor 481 nm $2.00
Thor 482 nm $3.00
Thor 483 nm $1.50
Thor 484 nm $1.50
Thor 486 nm $1.50
Thor 487 nm $1.50
Thor 488 (Spectre of Death) nm $1.50
Thor 489 (vs Hulk) nm $1.50
Thor 490 nm $1.50
Thor 491 (New Costume) nm $2.00
Thor 493 nm $1.50
Thor 494 nm $1.50
Thor 495 nm $1.50
Thor 497 nm $1.50
Thor 498 nm $1.50
Thor 499 nm $1.50
Thor 500 (Double-Sized) nm $2.00
Thor 502 nm $1.50
** Becomes Journey Into Mystery **
Thor A10 (Map of Asgard) nm $3.75
Thor A11 nm $3.75
Thor A12 (Blood of Dawn) nm $3.75
Thor A13 nm $3.00
Thor A14 (Atlantis Attacks) nm $2.25
Thor A15 (Terminus Factor) nm $2.25
Thor A16 (Korvac Quest) nm $2.25
Thor A17 (Citizen Kang) nm $2.25
Thor A18 nm $3.00
Thor A19 nm $3.00
Thor (V2) 3 nm $2.00
Thor; Alone Against the Celestials 1 nm $6.00
Thunderbolts 0 (Wizard) nm $2.00
Thunderstike 1 nm $3.00
Thunderstike 2 nm $1.00
Thunderstike 3 nm $1.00
Thunderstike 4 nm $1.00
Thunderstike 5 nm $1.00
Thunderstike 6 nm $1.00
Thunderstike 7 nm $1.00
Thunderstike 8 nm $1.00
Thunderstike 9 nm $1.00
Thunderstike 10 nm $1.00
Thunderstike 13 nm $1.00
Thunderstike 14 nm $1.00
Thunderstike 15 nm $1.00
Thunderstike 16 nm $1.00
Tomb of Dracula 50 (Silver Surfer App) nm $12.00
Toxic Avenger 1 nm $1.00
Toxic Crusaders 1 nm $1.00
Transformers 13 nm $1.00
Transformers 15 nm $1.00
Domestic postage is $2.75 plus .05/bk. Please E-mail to confirm.
Thanks...........Mike (